* Sunday February 5th, 2006 *

Our first day off in the field. We are at the new Dodoma hotel and it was really nice not forced to get up early in the morning. A choir was singing standing on the stairs outside the hotel. Today we will have a relaxing day with writing reports, diary, checking the mailbox, etc. But first we need to go to the market and find out what price we need to pay for footballs, ropes, and I need to get my trousers repaired. This was fixed by a man sitting outside his “shop” with his old sewing machine, some of you might not has seen those old sewing machines, called treadle machine, where as you are using your feet to operate the machine.
The Railway station is located opposite to the hotel and we stroll along there to feel the atmosphere, really crowded as the train soon will leave. We also walk along a street besides the railway before going back to the hotel.
The hotel has a small swimmingpool and this is the place where we spend our time to prepare our reports. But first a swim in the pool. Today the hotel are visited by children from a christian church in Dodoma, singing nice songs. As usual we “wazungo's” are interesting and the children are around us all the time.

We think that it would be a great idea to test the ropes we bought at the market today. So we gather some of them and start to do skipping with the children. They really enjoy it and so do we, all of us having a great time. As this test was successful, we will buy more ropes and use them in the schools we are to visit and leave them there, the same goes for footballs.
We do many photo shootings and show the kids the photos taken and this is very popular, for sure we had a pleasant and joyful day with the kids at the poolside.
Tomorrow we will visit Rudi Primary School for yet another seminar.
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